The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) – Your Guide

In response to the financial hardship created by the coronavirus, the Canadian Government announced plans to provide further financial support with the Canada Relief Benefit (CRB).
The support plan is aimed at workers who are self-employed or are ineligible for Employment Insurance (EI) and are still in need of income support. The CRB program ends on October 23, 2021, when the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit will take its place.
Who is eligible for the CRB?
An individual is eligible to receive the CRB if they:
- are not eligible for EI
- are not receiving income from the other benefits (Canada Recovery Sickness or Canada Recovery Caregiving
- Benefits) during a specific 2-week period being claimed
- reside in Canada
- did not quit their job voluntarily
- are at least 15 years old with a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- has employment and/or self-employment income of at least $5,000 in 2019 or in 2020
- has seen their income drop at least 50% for the 2-week period they are applying for
- has stopped working due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are available and looking for work; or is working and has a reduction in their employment/self-employment income for reasons related to COVID-19
How much does the CRB provide?
The CRB provides claimants $500 weekly, for a total of 26 weeks. Individuals can claim CRB for two-week periods
How long does CRB last?
CRB runs from September 27, 2020 to October 23, 2021. The period commences at the end of the CERB period. An individual can apply for a maximum of 13 two-week periods.
When does CRB end?
CRB ends on October 23, 2021. That is when the government will no longer offer these payments.
How many times can I apply for CRB?
An individual can apply for a maximum of 13 two-week periods.
What happens if I earned more than $38,000 for 2020 or 2021?
If a person had income of more than $38,000 for 2020 or 2021, the person must repay an amount equal to 50 cents for every dollar of income earned in that year above $38,000 of income. This repayment applies up to the total amount of CRB the individual received in the year, and does not take into account any incorrect payment or overpayment.