Can I be suspended from work in Ontario?

What is a workplace suspension?
A workplace suspension in Ontario is when an employee is notified by their employer that they will not be allowed access to the workplace for a specific amount of time.
It’s important to note that companies in the province don’t have an automatic right to suspend staff — it has to be reasonable and justified.
When it comes to implementing a legal workplace suspension, employers must clearly outline their rationale and the expected duration.
Administrative vs. disciplinary suspension
- Administrative suspension: Used when an employer has been informed of potential misconduct and needs to remove a staff member from the workplace.
- Disciplinary suspension: Used as a form of punishment for serious misconduct. These suspensions are less common than administrative suspensions.
Can my employer suspend me without pay?
While it’s possible for employees in Ontario to be suspended without pay, details matter.
In most cases, an unpaid leave of absence wouldn’t be reasonable.
If this happens to you, contact an experienced employment lawyer at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP — even if the employment contract you signed claims that your company has the right to do so.
WATCH: Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru breaks down everything you need to know about employment contracts on an episode of the Employment Law Show.
We can determine if the agreement is legally enforceable and help you secure full severance pay through a constructive dismissal claim if it isn’t.
• How to calculate severance pay
• Changes to your job in Ontario: Employee rights
• Employment Law Show: Things employers can’t legally do
Can I be suspended from work indefinitely?
No. The duration of a workplace suspension in Ontario must be temporary and reasonable.
Contract doesn’t contain a suspension clause?
If your employment contract, company handbook, or workplace policy doesn’t mention suspensions, then your employer can’t suspend you from the workplace.
In this situation, you might have grounds for a constructive dismissal claim.
How long can I be suspended from work pending an investigation?
In Ontario, there isn’t a specific limit on how long an employee can be suspended from work pending an investigation.
When it comes to administrative suspensions, they must be:
- Done in good faith
- Necessary to protect legitimate business interests
- Structured to last the shortest amount of time possible
Suspended without pay? If you’re suspended without pay pending an investigation, connect with a member of our team.
We can review your situation, assess your legal options, and help you secure the compensation you deserve.
Can my employer punish me for objecting to a workplace suspension?
Employers in Ontario can’t punish a non-unionized employee for objecting to a workplace suspension — even if they have the right to suspend the individual.
If this happened to you, contact an experienced employment lawyer at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP immediately.
We can determine if you were the victim of a workplace reprisal.
• What Albertans need to know about workplace reprisals
• Reprisals at work in B.C.: Employee rights
I’m being pressured to quit after objecting to a workplace suspension, what should I do?
No matter how upset your employer is that you objected to a workplace suspension, the company can’t pressure or force you to quit.
If your boss is influencing you to step down, document their attempts. Keep any letters, emails, or text messages that show how your employer is pressuring you to quit your job.
Once you have gathered all of the relevant documents, don’t resign before reaching out to us. You might have grounds for a constructive dismissal claim.
Already resigned?
If you were forced to quit your job for any reason, connect with an experienced employment lawyer at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP as soon as possible.
In addition to severance pay, you could be owed compensation for any damages associated with the end of your employment.
• Employment Law Show: Facts about forced resignations
• Employment Law Show: Things to never do without seeking legal counsel
Can I be fired for objecting to a workplace suspension?
Non-unionized employees in Ontario can be fired for any reason, as long as they are provided full severance pay and the reasons for their dismissal aren’t discriminatory. This is known as a termination without cause.
However, if you’re fired without cause shortly after objecting to a workplace suspension, there’s a chance that you could treat it as a workplace reprisal.
Terminated “for cause”? If you’re fired for cause — meaning no severance package or access to Employment Insurance (EI) benefits — because you objected to a workplace suspension, contact our firm immediately.
We can determine if you’ve been wrongfully dismissed and help you secure the compensation you’re owed.
• Do I have to look for a new job after getting fired?
• Can I get my job back if I am fired?
• Employment Law Show: Facts about the termination process
Workplace issue? Talk to our team
Since 2007, the experienced employment law team at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has helped tens of thousands of non-unionized individuals resolve their workplace issues.
Whether you’re in Ontario, Alberta, or B.C., our lawyers can review your situation, enforce your rights, and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.
Disclaimer: The materials provided above are for general informational purposes only and DO NOT constitute legal advice. For advice specific to your situation, please consult a legal representative at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP.