Employment Law

Starbucks Canada $50 Million Class Action Lawsuit


Starbucks Canada is facing a $50 million class-action lawsuit as many of its store managers are alleging they were not given overtime pay.

While Ontario law dictates employees who work over 44 hours a week are owed overtime pay, Starbucks Canada employees are saying company policy has prevented them from claiming what they are owed. Ottawa employment lawyer and partner Alex Lucifero joins Matt Harris on Newstalk 580’s Ottawa Now to discuss the case further.

What They Discussed

  • What is the difference between managers and employees when it comes to overtime pay? Managerial duties are not entitled to overtime pay, however, if the manager is doing non-managerial tasks during OT hours, they are owed OT pay.
  • What are your options if you feel you’re being taken advantage of at your workplace? An employee in that situation should firstly speak to your employer and then seek out the Ministry of Labour.
  • Is filing a complaint with the Ministry of Labour a tedious process? For matters like overtime pay, it is not a complicated process but it will take months to resolve.
  • Is it understandable for employees to be intimidated by their employers in this situation? Especially in small work environments, it is understandable if employees particularly during COVID-19 don’t want to risk their employment.


Have you lost your job at Starbucks Canada? Discover your rights to severance pay here before accepting a severance offer.

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