Disability/Personal Injury

Sedentary Work and Long-Term Disability Claims

A man in a hoodie sits on a couch while performing sedentary work on a computer.

Navigating the intricacies of long-term disability (LTD) claims in Canada can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding how your job classification impacts your eligibility. The disability lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP frequently encounter clients facing challenges with their LTD claims, particularly when they are classified under ‘sedentary work.’

What is Sedentary Work?

In Canada, Sedentary work involves jobs primarily done in a seated position with minimal physical exertion, featuring light duties or desk-based tasks in an office setting.

WATCH: Disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin explains what to do if you are denied LTD on the basis that you can do sedentary work, on an episode of the Disability Law Show.

Why Does Sedentary Work Classification Matter in LTD Claims?

In LTD claims, the classification of your job plays a pivotal role. If you’re unable to perform your job due to a medical condition, understanding whether your role is considered sedentary is crucial. Here’s why:

  • Eligibility for Benefits: If your condition limits you to sedentary work, but your previous job was more physically demanding, you should be eligible for LTD benefits.
  • Assessment of Your Capabilities: Insurers evaluate your ability to work based on your medical condition. If you can only perform sedentary tasks, this assessment is key to your claim.

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Common Misunderstandings About Sedentary Work in LTD

Many individuals face hurdles in their LTD claims due to misconceptions about sedentary work. Common misunderstandings include:

  • “Sedentary Means Easy”: While sedentary jobs are less physically demanding, they are not always suitable for individuals with certain disabilities.
  • Overlooking Non-Physical Demands: Sedentary doesn’t mean stress-free. The cognitive and emotional demands of these roles are often overlooked.

How a Disability Lawyer Can Help

Dealing with LTD claims can be complex, and having a knowledgeable disability lawyer can make a significant difference. At Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, we assist clients by:

  • Clarifying Job Classifications: We help you understand how your job is classified and how it impacts your claim.
  • Navigating Claim Denials: If your claim is denied or cut off due to a misunderstanding of your work classification, we provide the necessary legal guidance and representation.
  • Advocating for Your Rights: We ensure your case is presented effectively, highlighting how your condition affects your ability to work, even in a sedentary role.

Understanding the definition and implications of sedentary work is crucial in LTD claims. Misclassifications or misunderstandings can lead to wrongful denials or termination of benefits.

If you’re facing challenges with your LTD claim, remember that professional legal advice can be your best ally. Our team at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP is committed to guiding you through every step of your LTD claim, ensuring your rights are protected and your case is fairly represented.

Our disability lawyers also handle short-term disability (STD), life insurancecritical illness, and mortgage insurance claims in all Canadian provinces (excluding Quebec), while the employment lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP handle non-unionized workplace matters in Ontario, Alberta and B.C.

Questions? LTD Claim Denied?

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