Return to the workplace amid the novel coronavirus pandemic – 980 CFPL

What will a return to the workplace look like amid the novel coronavirus pandemic? Lior Samfiru is a Toronto employment lawyer and founding partner of Samfiru Tumarkin LLP. He joined host Devon Peacock on Global News Radio 980 CFPL in London to talk about a worker’s right to refuse unsafe work, and general employment rights when COVID-19 is in play.
- Has the true economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic been felt in Canada?
- I am being recalled from a temporary layoff. Can I refuse to return to work?
- What can I do If I am recalled to work but paid less than I was before the layoff
- Is there a proper order in which to call employees back to work, such as age or seniority?
- My employer wants me to take a test for COVID-19. Do I have to?
Learn more about your rights during the coronavirus pandemic through our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Knowledge Centre, where you can find resources about your employment rights during COVID-19.