Proof of Vaccination in British Columbia: The Facts

What is British Columbia’s proof of vaccination system?
The B.C. government initiated a proof of vaccination system with the BC Vaccine Card, which was required by order of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) to access many non-essential events, businesses, and services. It is separate from the federal proof of vaccination that is required when traveling outside of B.C. and across Canada. The BC Vaccine Card uses a QR code format to verify that the holder has received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Which businesses or sectors are required to collect proof of vaccination?
The following sectors were required to collect proof of vaccination from patrons, visitors, and participants 12 or older, but that requirement ended on Friday, April 8, 2022:
- Organized gatherings and events, regardless of whether they are indoors or outdoors
- Worship services, if there is no capacity limit or restriction in place
- Exercise and fitness activities, such as dance classes, indoor fitness programs, and swimming pools – pools at hotels and apartments are exempt
- Spectators and participants for indoor sporting events
- Non-employee supervisors, coaches and assistants of indoor sports and group activities for people 21 years or younger
- Licensed restaurants that provide table service, pubs, bars, nightclubs, and casinos
- Visitors of long-term care homes or assisted-living facilities
- Post-secondary student housing
Do I still need to show proof of vaccination?
Proof of vaccination is no longer required for individuals 12 years and older for many non-essential activities, including accessing events, businesses, and services. This requirement ended on Friday, April 8, 2022.
Can businesses still ask for proof of vaccination?
No, as of April 8, 2022, businesses are no longer required by order of the PHO to ask customers for their proof of vaccination. For more information on proof of vaccination information for businesses, and a list of affected businesses, see the B.C. government website.
How do I get my vaccine card?
The B.C. Government’s Health Gateway will provide you with your BC Vaccine Card and Federal Proof of Vaccination after you enter your personal information.
When did the Vaccine Card system end in B.C.?
The Vaccine Card/Passport system ended for British Columbians on April 8, 2022.
Where can I find out more information about B.C.’s vaccine card system?
The Government of British Columbia maintains a website that provides information about the province’s proof of vaccination program.
Are masks mandates still in place in British Columbia?
Mask mandates are no longer active in British Columbia. Mask mandates for most businesses and public spaces were dropped on March 11, 2022, with all requirements lifting on March 28, 2022.
Which settings no longer carry capacity limits?
Capacity limits have been removed for the following public indoor and outdoor settings:
- Household gatherings, regardless of whether there are unvaccinated individuals
- Bars, pubs, restaurants, and nightclubs – dancing and mingling between tables will also be permitted again
- Organized indoor events, such as weddings and funerals
- Movie theatres, concerts, and dance and symphony events
- Sporting events
- Recreational facilities, including gyms, fitness centers, and dance studios
- Worship services, if all participants are vaccinated as determined by the worship service leader
Do BC Public Service workers need to provide proof of full vaccination?
BC Public Service employees must provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 in order to continue working. The deadline for proof of vaccination was November 22, 2021. Employees who fail to provide proper proof can be put on an unpaid leave of absence for three months, after which point they “may be terminated.”
Do long-term care workers still require vaccination?
Long-term care workers in B.C. need to provide proof of vaccination in order to continue working. This requirement came into effect on October 12, 2021.