Blog & News
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments in employment law, workplace rights, long-term disability claims, and personal injury. Explore Samfiru Tumarkin LLP’s newest media interviews, exclusive press releases, insightful reactions to current events, and notable legal victories.

Social Media in the Workplace: Fired Over a Tweet
Alex Lucifero on CTV Morning Live Ottawa talks severance, social media, termination for cause and employment rights in fallout from a B.C.

Metro Grocery Store Closing: Employee Rights – 580 CFRA
Partner Alex Lucifero explains severance pay, reprisals and the employment rights of Metro employees affected by the closure of the ByWard Market…

The Rush Round Table and Pocket Employment Lawyer
Listeners to Newstalk 1010 can now get answers to their employment law questions by listening to the Rush Round Table with Ryan…

Is your credit card’s travel insurance enough? – MoneySense
MoneySense spoke to disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP about how to find the best travel insurance to fit your…

Employee fired after angry tweet about BBQ sauce holiday gift
A B.C. man was fired after tweeting about BBQ sauce he received as a Christmas gift from his employer.

U-Haul Will Stop Hiring Smokers: Employee Rights
U-Haul International will stop hiring smokers. Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru explains if employers can enforce the same ban in Canadian workplaces.

U-Haul is refusing to hire smokers. What are the rules for Canadian companies? – 900 CHML
U-Haul is refusing to hire smokers. Can Canadian companies refuse to hire people who smoke? Partner Jon Pinkus explained on Global News…

580 CFRA interview on bathroom breaks for Canadians
Ottawa employment lawyer Alex Lucifero explains employee rights to bathroom breaks and an employer's duty to accommodate the washroom needs of its…

IT staff fired after explicit pics found on CIRA president’s computer
The head of Canada’s internet registry is facing allegations his IT staff were fired after reporting images on his computer to HR.