Blog & News
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments in employment law, workplace rights, long-term disability claims, and personal injury. Explore Samfiru Tumarkin LLP’s newest media interviews, exclusive press releases, insightful reactions to current events, and notable legal victories.

Employment lawyer on possibility of vaccine passports
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus speaks with CBC News to discuss the possibility of vaccine passports and the repercussions for Canadians.

Lawyer Alex Lucifero talks to CBC News about mandatory vaccines
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins CBC News with Mark Gollom to discuss the possibility of mandatory vaccines.

Employment lawyer on challenges of mandatory vaccines
Employment lawyer Lluc Cerda joins Global News to discuss the challenges facing mandatory vaccinations.

Work: What’s Next | Rising COVID-19 cases and calls for mandatory vaccinations
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru joins Global News Toronto to discuss mandatory vaccine policies due to the rise of the delta variant.

Will employees face consequences if not vaccinated?
Employment lawyer Mackenzie Irwin joins Scott Thompson on 900 CHML to discuss mandatory vaccines in the workplace.

Uber class-action lawsuit certification next step for drivers
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru comments on the Uber class-action lawsuit certification with the Law Times.

The next step in Uber class-action lawsuit
An employment lawyer spoke with Road Warrior news regarding the Uber class-action lawsuit certification.

Lior Samfiru on enforcing vaccines in the workplace
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru joins CTV News Ottawa to discuss enforcing mandatory vaccinations in the workplace.

Canadian federal employees and vaccine mandates
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru joins Leslie Roberts on Newstalk 580 CFRA to discuss mandatory vaccines for federal employees.