Ontario Announces Three-Step Reopening Plan

Ontario Announces Reopening Plan

On Thursday Premier Doug Ford announced that Ontario will begin a gradual reopening plan based on the success of the vaccine rollout. Case counts and ICU admissions will be closely monitored, and the reopening plan will proceed on June 14.

However, some restrictions related to outdoor facilities and sports will be lifted as early as this weekend. On Saturday, golf courses, baseball diamonds, soccer pitches, and basketball and tennis courts will be allowed to reopen.

It is vaccination targets being met that will allow the reopening plan to begin.  Step one of the reopening plan is tentatively set to begin on the week of June 14th, when 60% of the adult population has received at least one does of the vaccine. The province will remain at step one for 21 days.

Step One of Reopening Plan:

  • Outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people
  • Outdoor dining for up to 4 people per table
  • Essential retail, at 25% capacity
  • Non-essential retail, at 10% capacity
  • Outdoor religious services, with 2 people apart and limited capacity
  • Outdoor sports, personal training, for up to 10 people
  • Day camps
  • Campsites and campgrounds
  • Ontario Parks
  • Outdoor pools, wading pools, and splash pads

After reviewing key indicators for COVID-19 spread, step two will begin in July, when 70% of adults have one dose, and 20% are fully vaccinated.

Step Two of Reopening Plan:

  • Outdoor gatherings with up to 25 people
  • Small indoor gatherings with up to 5 people
  • Indoor dining for up to 6 people per table
  • Essential retail, at 50% capacity
  • Personal care services (where masks must be worn)
  • Outdoor meeting and event spaces
  • Outdoor amusement parks and water parks
  • Outdoor boat operation tours
  • Outdoor county fairs and rural exhibitions
  • Outdoor sports events and sports leagues
  • Outdoor cinemas, performing arts, and live music events

Step Three will likely begin in August, when 70-80% of adults have at least one dose of the vaccine, and 25% of adults are fully vaccinated.

Step Three of Reopening Plan:

  • Large outdoor gatherings
  • Large indoor gatherings
  • Essential and non-essential retail with limited capacity
  • Larger indoor religious services and ceremonies
  • Indoor meeting and event spaces
  • Indoor sports and recreational facilities
  • Indoor attractions, cultural amenities
  • Casino and bingo halls
  • Other outdoor activities from Step 2 permitted to now move indoors

However, Ontario’s science advisors are making important recommendations to keep in mind as restrictions lift. They strongly advise against individuals travelling between region, going to crowded places, and carpooling with people outside your household. They are also discouraging people from dining indoors with others, sharing food and drink, sharing overnight accommodations with people outside your household, and using communal locker rooms.

It has not yet been determined if schools will be reopened any time soon. The premier noted that scientists are modelling an 11% increase COVID-19 cases if schools reopen. The plan also does not address what changes or modifications will be made to the reopening plan if case counts start to climb again. Overall, currently test positivity and hospitalization rates are dropping. The province is encouraging people to stay vigilant.

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