Employment policies on traffic violations in company cars: Employment lawyer discusses on CTV News

Interview Summary
The City of Ottawa employees who have incurred speeding tickets and other traffic violations might not have to pay fines themselves, however, they are not exempt from disciplinary action including suspensions. Are non-unionized employees subject to different repercussions if a traffic violation occurs in a company vehicle? Can a speeding ticket lead to a termination of employment?
Alex Lucifero, an Ontario employment lawyer and Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joined CTV News Ottawa to discuss potential legal consequences for employees and employer options.
Interview Notes
- City of Ottawa policies regarding speeding tickets: Lucifero explained workplace disciplinary options. “One option would be to have employees pay who are responsible for the infraction,” said Lucifero. “The most important thing is employers have policies in place if you have employees using vehicles.”
- Punishment for employees in company vehicles: Lucifero discussed the degree of severity of the offence committed by employees. “The punishment should fit the crime. Employees guilty of a serious infraction can be suspended without pay.” Ultimately Lucifero stated that if there are multiple infractions, employees can be terminated. “There should be a disciplinary history to warrant a termination.”
- Frequency of employee incidents: Disputes do happen in the workplace regarding money, Lucifero explained. “Whether you’re considering a parking ticket, speeding ticket, or changes to compensation, these types of issues lead to disputes between employers and employees.” Lucifero reiterated the importance of clear terms in an employment contract.
- Advice for employees who have traffic violations: Lucifero emphasized the importance of honesty between an employee and an employer. “Be honest with your employer, don’t try and masquerade the situation. Employees who disagree with the situation can stand up for themselves.”
Related Resources
For further insights and discussions related to workplace discipline explore the following resources: