COVID-19 Action Plan: B.C.’s $5-billion economic response

How the B.C. Government can help during the COVID-19 pandemic
On Monday, the B.C. government announced the first steps (of what we hope and expect will be many) to support British Columbians through this extraordinary time.
It’s called the COVID-19 Action Plan and it’s likely that it will act to support you. This article will explain how.
If your ability to work has been affected by the pandemic
You may qualify for the B.C. Emergency Benefit for Workers, which provides a tax-free one-time payment of $1,000.00.
This payment is in addition to any federal assistance that you may qualify for (such as Employment Insurance of the Emergency Care Benefit) but it isn’t dependent on EI-eligibility — meaning, even if you are self-employed, and wouldn’t otherwise qualify for federal EI assistance, you may still qualify for this payment.
We expect this Emergency Benefit to be paid not only to those who have lost their job, but also those that have been quarantined or are required to be home with kids who are either sick or not in daycare/school.
It’s presently expected that you will be able to apply for this benefit by May 2020. In the interim, and if you have not done so already, you should apply for federal employment insurance.
You may also be able to defer your hydro or insurance payments by applying through deferral programs through ICBC or BC Hydro.
BC Hydro has indicated that customers may call 1-800-224-9376 to discuss bill payment options. ICBC encourages customers to either call the customer support team (1-800-665-6442) or apply online.
Anyone who has lost their job or income may additionally qualify for BC Hydro’s Customer Crisis Fund grant program, for up to $600.00.
If you are a non-profit, service delivery agency or child care centre
The province has confirmed that, even if you have been required to close or seen your services disrupted as a result of the pandemic, you will still receive regular governmental funding.
Child care providers that elect to stay open will receive enhanced funding and are eligible to receive up to seven times their average funding.
If you have student loans
Payments are frozen for six months, starting March 30, 2020.
If you are an employer operating in B.C.
Deadlines for filing and payment for P.S.T., municipal tax on short-term accommodation, tobacco tax, motor fuel tax and carbon tax have all been moved to September 30, 2020.
If you are an employer with a payroll of over $500,000.00
You may defer employer health tax payments until September 30, 2020.
If you are an employer with commercial property (classes 4, 5 and 6)
Your school tax will be cut in half for 2020, with the hope that savings will be passed on to tenants.
In addition to the above, the Provincial Government has expanded its Climate Action Tax Credit for July 2020 by up to $43.50 per adult (and up to $112.50 per family of four) for a total possible enhanced payment of $218.00 per adult (and $564.00 per family of four).
Through this enhancement, the Provincial Government estimates that 86% of British Columbians will see some additional money this summer.