CERB extension delays tough questions for workers hurt by COVID-19 – Maclean’s

COVID-19: New Ontario Regulation Hurts Employees, Misleads Employers

On June 16, the Government of Canada extended its Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) an additional eight weeks on top of the original 16-week payment period. That means that if you’re not working because of COVID-19-related reasons, and if you were laid off, whether permanently or temporarily, after March 15, you’re now eligible to receive a total of $12,000 over 24 weeks.

While this is good news, many Canadians are worried about what will happen if they are still out of work after the CERB program expires.

Lior Samfiru, a Toronto employment lawyer with Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, shared his concerns with Maclean’s about what will happen to workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic once the federal government ends the CERB.

Read Lior’s thoughts on the matter in this article in Maclean’s.

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