Trial Wins

Client Win: Tennis court worker overcomes misconduct allegations stemming from locker dispute
A dedicated tennis court worker challenged her termination after she was fired for misconduct, and without severance - and achieved justice.

Client Win: 74-Year-Old Construction Supervisor Secures Justice After Abrupt Dismissal
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP wins 20 months’ severance for a 74-year-old construction supervisor let go after 31 years of service. Learn more.

Client Win: How a single email secured full pay in a fixed-term contract case
Discover how Samfiru Tumarkin LLP used a key email to secure full compensation for an employee fired from a one-year fixed-term contract.

Client Win: Distribution Director secures substantial severance after wrongful dismissal
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP secured significant severance for a distribution director after wrongful dismissal. Discover his path to justice.

TRIAL WIN: Carpenter v. Brains II Canada Inc.
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP is proud to announce that Toronto employment lawyer and firm partner David Vaughan successfully represented his client, Ms. Carpenter,…

Client Win: Legal assistant rejects ‘take it or leave it’ offer from new employer, wins 14 months’ pay
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP secures a win for a legal assistant who rejected a ‘take it or leave it’ job offer after her…

Client Win: How withholding termination benefits backfired and voided a termination clause
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP secured fair severance by proving that withholding benefits during the notice period invalidated a termination clause.

Client Win: Justice for a Dedicated Parts Administrator Replaced by Automation
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP secured 14 months' pay for a loyal Parts Administrator dismissed after 17 years of service.