In the News
Surveilling employees on sick leave: Lior Samfiru on 640 Toronto
Lior Samfiru joined 640 Toronto's Davelle Morrison to discuss medical leave rights in Ontario and employer surveillance.
Jobless after Loblaws offer falls through: Employment lawyer with Newmarket Today
Employment lawyer Lumi Pungea joined NewMarket Today to discuss an employee's legal options if a job offer is rescinded.
Wages deducted from server despite a lack of tip: Employment lawyer discusses on 640 Toronto
Employment lawyer Teilen Celentano on 640 Toronto with Kelly Cutrara to discuss the rights of servers to tips and more.
Private sector employees made to go back to the office: Employment lawyer on CFRA
Travis Carpenter, an employment lawyer, offered insight on employees being asked to return to work with 580 CFRA.
Lush employee layoffs: Employment lawyer with CBC Vancouver
Employment lawyer Adrienne Wensel spoke with CBC Vancouver on possible Lush layoffs and employee rights.
Possible RBC layoffs for former HSBC employees: Lior Samfiru with Reuters
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru spoke with Reuters on the possibility of RBC layoffs.
Discrimination complaint dismissed by human rights tribunal: Ontario employment lawyer on HR Reporter
Employment lawyer Jeremy Herman discusses human rights complaints and workplace discrimination with the HR Reporter.
PwC plans to electronically monitor remote employees: Alex Lucifero with CTV News
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joined CTV News to discuss PricewaterhouseCoopers decision to electronically monitor employees.
Rise of layoffs across Canada: Lior Samfiru on 640 Toronto
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru spoke with 640 Toronto's John Oakley on ongoing layoffs across the country.