Employment Law

Ottawa Business Journal – Seven biggest employment law issues of 2018
At Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, we get questions about the rights of both employees & employers. Here is a list of the 7…

900 CHML – Cutting Off Workers from Benefits at 65 Unconstitutional, Tribunal Rules
Employment Lawyer Chantel Goldsmith discusses a ruling about benefits for people over the age of 65 and what it means for employees…

Voting out the Ontario Liberals didn’t come cheap
Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru discusses the legalities surrounding severance packages for politicians.

Employment lawyer on Lindsay Shepherd Lawsuit
Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru explains why the $3.6 million lawsuit is “utter nonsense” in the context of Canadian law, and why this…

Lindsay Shepherd $3.6M Lawsuit is “Utter Nonsense”
University teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd is suing Wilfrid Laurier University for $3.6 million. Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru discusses the validity of the…

580 CFRA – Karlsson’s wife alleges partner of Senators forward harassed her
Ottawa Employment Lawyer Alex Lucifero discusses rights and protections for employees and their spouses when harassment strikes.

Benefits Canada – Did human rights tribunal get it right in decision on ending benefits at 65?
The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal’s recent ruling that it’s unconstitutional for plan sponsors to discontinue benefits for employees after the age of…

Contractor left Scarborough house halfway through $100,000 cleanup
Employment lawyer Gurlal Klur, Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, provides advice and best practices when dealing with contractors.

CBC News – Is It Okay to Tattle on Your Fellow Employees?
Can an employee legally be terminated from their job if a co-worker shares information from social media with their employer? Employment Lawyer…