Employment Law

Samfiru Tumarkin LLP Launches Pocket Employment Lawyer

pocket employment lawyer

Samfiru Tumarkin LLP launches Pocket Employment Lawyer to supply assessment of rights the Ministry of Labour cannot provide

TORONTO, October 24, 2019 – Employment law firm Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has launched the Pocket Employment Lawyer – a unique interactive resource specifically designed to provide vital information and analysis on an individual’s employment rights that can’t be obtained from the Ministry of Labour. It is a free tool available online at PocketEmploymentLawyer.ca.

“The Pocket Employment Lawyer cuts through the confusion that many people experience when trying to understand what their workplace rights are in various situations,” said Lior Samfiru, employment lawyer and creator of the resource. “This is crucial information that working Canadians have a right to know about but didn’t have access to until now – not even through the Ministry of Labour.

”While an employee can call the Ministry of Labour to find out if vacation or overtime pay is owed, the Ministry of Labour cannot assess or advise employees with respect to many other vital aspects of the employment relationship. That is where the Pocket Employment Lawyer comes in.

“It’s like having your own employment lawyer with you, in your pocket, at any time,” said Samfiru. “If you’ve been fired from your job or are facing harassment or a change to the terms of your employment, the Pocket Employment Lawyer should be the very first place you visit, even before you call an employment lawyer.”

Samfiru, who is the national practice leader of Samfiru Tumarkin LLP’s labour and employment law division, has always placed an emphasis on public education.

In 2013 the firm launched the Severance Pay Calculator to allow people to quickly calculate the full amount of severance pay owed upon termination, outside of the minimum amounts dictated by the Employment Standards Act. The tool has been used nearly 1 million times.  For the past seven years the firm has aired the Employment Law Show on radio stations in Ontario and British Columbia, and has since brought the program to Global TV and CTV.

“The Pocket Employment Lawyer is yet another easy-to-use resource in our employment law arsenal. It provides a legal assessment of an employee’s situation, that would otherwise only be available through a consultation with a lawyer,” said Samfiru.

How the Pocket Employment Lawyer Can Help

By answering a few quick questions at PocketEmploymentLawyer.ca, an individual can obtain insight into their particular employment issue in the following areas:

  • Calculation of severance pay
  • Legitimacy of a termination “for cause”
  • Whether or not they are an independent contractor or an employee
  • Whether their long term disability claim was properly denied or cut off
  • Whether or not they have been constructively dismissed due to their employer changing certain aspects of their job
  • Human rights violations
  • Workplace harassment

About Samfiru Tumarkin LLP

Samfiru Tumarkin LLP is an employment law firm that specializes in severance pay, wrongful dismissal, denied long term disability claims, constructive dismissal, employee misclassification, human rights law, labour law, temporary layoffs and employment contracts.

The firm’s Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver employment lawyers represent both employees and employers across Ontario and British Columbia, as well as individuals who have been denied their long-term disability payments by the insurance company.

In recent years, Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has sued the Ministry of Labour for providing negligent advice to employees, launched a class action against Uber, pressed the federal government to adopt the Sears Act, and represented numerous Future Shop employees after the company permanently closed its doors.

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Consult with Samfiru Tumarkin LLP. We are one of Canada's most experienced and trusted employment, labour and disability law firms. Take advantage of our years of experience and success in the courtroom and at the negotiating table.

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