Disability/Personal Injury
Disability Lawyer Sivan Tumarkin talks life insurance denial with Global News
Disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin joins Sean O'Shea on Global News to discuss a recent life insurance claim denial.
Jury awards $1.5M to stroke sufferer after LTD claim denial
Sara Baker was awarded $1.5 million in damages after Blue Cross refused to pay LTD benefits for six years, and spied on…
Disability lawyer Albert Klein on LTD denials and awarding punitive damages
Disability lawyer Albert Klein joins Rubina Ahmed-Haq on 640 Toronto to discuss possible insurance company damages paid to claimants.
Sun Life insurance denies mother’s mental health LTD claim
Disability lawyer Albert Klein speaks to the Canadian Press regarding an ongoing disability legal claim for a woman denied by Sun Life…
What can those with COVID-19 vaccine related injuries expect from VISP?
Disability and personal injury lawyer James Fireman joins Kelly Cutrara to discuss personal injury compensation due to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Disability lawyer James Fireman on vaccine injury compensation
James K. Fireman spoke to the National Post regarding the Vaccine Injury Support Program and the claimant's rights to compensation.
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP promotes six partners to new leadership roles
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP is proud to announce that six key partners have been promoted to new leadership roles to help the firm…
Life insurance denied in Saskatchewan: Your rights
Insurance company denied your life insurance claim in Saskatchewan? Learn about your rights and how our insurance lawyers can help.
Long-term Disability Claims for Executives and Professionals
Many professionals, executives, directors, and business owners have gone to great lengths to secure their future by purchasing insurance coverage that is…