COVID-19: Ministry of Labour confirms that layoffs are still constructive dismissals
An update to the Employment Standards Act by the Ministry of Labour confirms that COVID-19 layoffs can result in a severance package…
Policy Consideration for Vaccines in the Workplace Panel
An employment lawyer at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP is participating in a webinar hosted by MyPolicies regarding vaccinations in the workplace.
Coronaphobia and Long-term Disability Claims: 3 Things to Know
Suffering from Coronaphobia? Disability Lawyer Sivan Tumarkin explains 3 things you need to be aware of when you claim long-term disability benefits.
Bombardier laying off 1,600 people, ending Learjet program
Bombardier is laying off 1,600 employees. Learn about severance pay for non-unionized Bombardier employees and what their rights are.
Employment lawyer on paying back CERB
Employment lawyer joins Jill Bennett on 980 CKNW to discuss the recent update on CERB repayments.
Employee rights while working remotely
Employment lawyer Mackenzie Irwin joins Scott Thompson on CHML to discuss employee's rights while working from home.
Air Canada cutting 1,500 jobs and suspending additional flights
Air Canada has announced additional layoffs and service cuts in response to ongoing air travel restrictions in the country due to the…
Bell Media severance after jobs cut across Canada in February 2021
Bell Media has laid off over 200 employees in on-air, sales, and newsroom positions across Canada. Find out what their rights to…
COVID-19 Long-haulers denied disability benefits
Disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin joins Global News to discuss the denial of disability benefits as a result of COVID-19 symptoms.