Canadian Tire closing all National Sports stores to reduce overlap

Canadian Tire is closing all 18 of its National Sports retail stores in an effort to eliminate overlap and find efficiencies.
The closure of the locations, all situated within Ontario, comes after the company posted stronger-than-expected fourth quarter results.
Canadian Tire chief financial officer Gregory Craig told Canadian Press that it was a difficult decision. He says the company is trying to place some employees at the retailer’s other stores.
Severance pay for National Sports employees
All National Sports employees who lose their job as a result of the closures must receive severance pay. This applies to both full-time and part-time workers.
• Severance pay for Canadian Tire employees
• WATCH: Severance pay when a business closes
• WATCH: Employment rights when a company shuts down
The fact that a business is permanently closing does not impact an individual’s legal right to a severance package. They are due to receive a fair termination package, based on the following factors:
- age
- length of employment
- position
- salary
- bonus
- benefits
- ability to find similar employment
Former National Sports employees do not have to accept a severance offer on the spot. They are also not legally required to sign off on a severance offer within a deadline set by Canadian Tire. You have two years from the moment of termination to pursue a claim for proper severance pay.
Some employees who are terminated without cause (or incorrectly terminated for cause) will be offered inadequate or low severance offers. This is commonly known as a wrongful dismissal in Ontario. Our wrongful dismissal lawyers can review your severance package, determine what you are actually entitled to, and obtain the proper amount from your employer
Contact an experienced employment lawyer
Our employment lawyers in Ontario have helped tens of thousands of Canadians secure proper severance packages. The difference between what you are offered and what we can negotiate could be tens of thousands of dollars.
Use our Pocket Employment Lawyer or Severance Pay Calculator to find out what your rights are.
As Canada’s most positively reviewed employment law firm, we work hard to provide strong customer service to our clients.