Employment Law

Calgary employment lawyer on investigating ward councillor

Interview Summary

The premier of Alberta has asked deputy ministers to investigate a report made against now-councillor Sean Chu regarding sexual harassment from 1997.

Errors appear to have been made in the initial reporting and questions have since arisen regarding Chu’s integrity and behaviour as an elected official.

Karen Tereposky, an employment lawyer in Calgary representing clients across Alberta and Associate at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, spoke to Global News on the ongoing situation and commented on the possible consequences for private sector employees in similar circumstances.

Interview Notes

In speaking to Adam MacVicar, Tereposky states that if this situation had occurred with a private sector employee an investigation regarding Chu’s potential harassment of Calgary’s mayor would be conducted as well as a possible suspension.

“If it’s serious, they would want the individual out of the workplace while the investigation takes place, especially if it involves a co-worker,” Tereposky explains.

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