Lior Samfiru on employers removing vaccine policies at work

As COVID-19 restrictions across the country continue to lift many employers and employees are striving to return to a state of normalcy. Deloitte Canada is the latest large business to reverse a previously implemented vaccine policy. Will more employers follow Deloitte’s lead and remove their own mandatory policies?

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Lior Samfiru, an employment lawyer and national co-managing Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP spoke to the Globe and Mail on the ongoing workplace shift and believes more employers will follow suit.

“I think employers are going to take their lead from the government. So as long as governments do not reimpose COVID restrictions and move to eliminate vaccine mandates, I think employers will remove their own policies,” Samfiru states.

Samfiru reiterates that Samfiru Tumarkin saw many employers debating a recall of vaccine policies as soon as restrictions across the country began to ease.

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