Toronto Public Health Releases New COVID-19 Workplace Safety Measures and Reporting

With COVID-19 cases rising in the city, Toronto Public Health (“TPH”) rang in the new year by announcing new COVID-19 Workplace Safety and Reporting Measures to address concerns and better manage workplace COVID-19 outbreaks.

TPH and the Ontario Government have developed extensive guidelines on how to prevent and manage COVID-19 in the workplace.

TPH has also issued a letter of instruction to businesses currently permitted to operate.

As of January 7, 2021, all workplace outbreaks will be published weekly, and TPH will disclose workplace outbreak information where a public health risk exists.

What the New Measures Mean for Employers

Under the new TPH Measures, all employers in Toronto must:

1. Immediately notify TPH at (416) 338-7600 as soon as they become aware of 2 or more people connected to your workplace who test positive for COVID-19 within a 14-day interval.

2. If two or more people test positive, the employer must:

  • Provide contact information for a designated contact person in the workplace who is readily available to communicate with TPH and immediately implement any additional measures as required by TPH;
  • Ensure that accurate and updated contact information for all workers is available to be provided to TPH within 24 hours of TPH’s request to facilitate contact tracing requirements;
  • Cooperate with infection prevention and control personnel from TPH, including allowing entry into the workplace premise for inspection; and
  • Ensure the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development and all other relevant government authorities have been notified in accordance with the employer’s duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and other legislation.
  • Ensure all employees are aware of income replacement and workplace-related benefits they may be entitled to should they be required to isolate, to encourage forthright reporting of COVID-19 symptoms or contact among workers.

3. Ensure all employees are aware of income replacement and workplace-related benefits they may be entitled to should they be required to isolate, to encourage forthright reporting of COVID-19 symptoms or contact among workers.

What the New Measures Mean for Employees

Under the new TPH measures, employees should:

  1. Be forthright with your employer and immediately report if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive for COVID-19.
  2. Abide by and cooperate with all public health measures implemented by your employer.
  3. Provide your employer with your up to date contact information.
  4. If you believe that your employer is not abiding by the government public health measures or your workplace is not safe, seek legal advice from an employment lawyer.

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