Global News interview about requirement for workers to vaccinate

Headshot of employment lawyer Lior Samfiru to the left of the Global News logo, which hovers above a dark blue band across the bottom of the image bearing the Samfiru Tumarkin LLP logo.

Interview Summary

As more COVID-19 vaccination news is released, many Canadians are voicing concerns over their rights and whether or not the vaccination will change how workplaces are currently coping with the pandemic. Will employers have the right to force employees to be vaccinated?

Lior Samfiru is a Toronto employment lawyer and co-founding partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP. He joined Global News to discuss employee rights around vaccinations during the pandemic.

Interview Notes

  • Can your employer require you to be vaccinated? No, your employer can’t force you to be vaccinated due to various human rights issues such as religion, health, and medical conditions.
  • Employers still have an obligation to a safe workplace and so other health and safety measures will have to take into consideration i.e. social distancing, masks, etc.
  • Companies can introduce a mask mandate if an employee is not vaccinated

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