Probationary Periods & Termination | Employment Law Show TV – S3 E7

PROBATIONARY PERIODS and TERMINATION RIGHTS, what to do if your employment contract states that you do not get paid overtime, and more on the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 3 Episode 7 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada.
What We Covered
🔹 1:40 An employee was fired for cause due to performance issues. Instead of contacting an employment lawyer, he filed a claim with the Ministry of Labour, resulting in drastic reduction in the severance pay he ultimately received.
🔹 5:17 A caller from the Employment Law Show: I’m a 58-year-old sales rep with 13 years at a company. Every year we agree to a new contract. Our new one will actually end up hurting me. If we don’t sign it, we’re considered to have quit. But I’m not an independent contractor, I’m an employee. Do I have to sign it?
🔹 8:15 CALLER: My wife is a salaried employee (assistant to a manager) who often works more than 40 hours a week. She says she has a contract that states she is not entitled to overtime pay. (Am I entitled to overtime pay?)
• What does it mean to be on probation? – 10:09
• Does automatic probation occur any time an employer hires a new employee? – 10:47
• What can an employer do if they are not happy with the employee’s performance during the probation term? – 11:21
• How long can you be on probation for? – 11:37
• Can the probation period be extended? – 13:17
• Are there situations where an employee should refuse to be on probation? – 13:59
🔹 16:10 The Severance Pay Calculator and why over 500,000 Canadians have used it to discover their rights, when a wrongful dismissal scenario is at play.
🔹 17:52 The Severance Pay Calculator example scenario: I was hired on at a new IT company as a senior manager, earning $82,000 a year. After just 10 months, they decided that they wanted to replace me immediately. They sent me packing without any advanced warning or severance pay. Am I owed anything?”
🔹 20:05 CALLER: I have been cut off long-term disability after two years, and I am fighting the insurance company. When I am ready to return to work, does my employer have return me to my old job?
🔹 23:18 CALLER: Three weeks ago my boss said he didn’t want me in his department anymore. Today he offered me a completely different job in the company. How long do I have to consider the job?
🔹 25:55 From Termination Questions: Lately my supervisor has been talking to me in a humiliating way, often in front of my coworkers, and has been assigning me inferior work. How should I respond to this workplace harassment?
🔹 27:39 From Termination Questions: My new employer’s written policy is that if you are late for work just once, no matter what the reason is, your employment can be terminated for cause and without severance pay. I thought you were legally allowed 3 strikes?
Next Episode: Employment Law Show S3 E8 – Owed More Severance Than You Realize
Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S3 E6 – When You CAN’T Be Let Go From Your Job…