The Employment Law Show

Never Thought It Would Happen To Me | Employment Law Show TV – S3 E4


The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 3 Episode 4 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30).

On this episode, we discuss what to do if you company is going to cut your pay, being recruited to come to a new job and let go shortly after you start, dealing with deadlines, and more!

What We Covered

► 2:12 A 15 year employee was let go for cause after being written up 3 times for being late. Does a 3 strike policy justify a termination for cause, without severance pay?

► 4:58 A caller from The Employment Hour: I was laid off after 7 years over a pay dispute. They said they were eliminating my position, but I think they were lying. I accepted 2 weeks of severance pay, but the Severance Pay Calculator says I’m owed much more than that. Is there anything I can do?

► 8:23 A caller from The Employment Hour: Our company is being taken over by another company. The rumour is that our tenure with the previous company won’t be considered if we are fired. Is that true?

► I Never Thought It Would Happen To Me…

• 10:44 – The company says they have to cut my pay significantly, or I will end up without a job in a few months. Lior explains why this may be constructive dismissal
• 12:12 – I was recruited by a larger company from a previous job I had for decades. Just 5 months later, I was let go because I wasn’t a good fit.
• 14:01 – My new coworker is harassing me non-stop, and our supervisor is actually encouraging the behaviour! I’m not sure how much longer I can put up with it.
• 15:30 – After 6 months on a medical leave, I was ready to slowly ease back into work. But, my boss says they don’t have a need for me anymore.

► 18:00 The Severance Pay Calculator and why over 500,000 Canadians have used it to discover their rights, when a wrongful dismissal scenario is at play.

► 19:36 The Severance Pay Calculator example scenario: 59-year-old Tom was a professional at a federally-regulated company for 23 years. He was fired and offered a $58,000 severance package (his salary was $85,000). His employer gave him a 3 day offer deadline. If that deadline passes, they will only offer him his minimum severance under the Canada Labour Code.

► 21:40 A caller from The Employment Hour: My wife was 5 months pregnant when she was let go from a financial institution, along with under 50 other employees. Is the company supposed to help her look for a new job?

► 24:51 A caller from The Employment Hour: I worked for a construction company for 15 years. The boss told me that they no longer had work for me. The said they couldn’t pay severance because business was slow. When I pushed back, they said I don’t get anything because I’m in construction. Is that right?

► 26:36 From our Termination Questions website: I was just told this week that I have to sign a new employment agreement and that if I don’t sign it in 1 week, I will be fired. What can I do?

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S3 E5 – Everything You Need to Know About Reprisals

Previous Episode:  Employment Law Show S3 E3 – How to Handle Workplace Harassment

Experiencing an Employment Issue?

Before you call a lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to find out if you might have a case.

Use The Severance Pay Calculator to find out how much severance pay you may be owed upon termination.

Call 1-855-821-5900, email or fill out a contact form to get help now.

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