The Employment Law Show

Rights Overlooked by Employees | Employment Law Show TV – S3 E23

Episode Summary

5 EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS OVERLOOKED BY EMPLOYEES, being given a deadline to sign a severance offer, and more on Season 3 Episode 23 of the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru, Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP.

Watch above to discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta, on the only employment law show on both TV and radio in Canada.

Episode Notes

Long-term disability cut off

Can an insurance company cut off your disability claim after two years? What should you do if your LTD claim is denied, and your employer considers your employment ended if you don’t return to work (against your doctor’s orders)?

Segment starts at 2:03

CALL: Fired while on stress leave

I had some health issues and was told by my doctor to take stress leave. After 8 months on leave, my employer told me that I was no longer required to return to work. I was given 8 weeks of severance after 21 years as a manager. Do I have any recourse?

Segment starts at 4:34

CALL: Employee rights when pay is reduced

I was shifted from one position at a security company to another, and my pay was reduced. They told me that my pay might go back up again, but that hasn’t happened yet. How long do I have to wait before I can do something about this?

Segment starts at 7:15

5 Employment Rights Overlooked by Employees

1️⃣ The right to full severance pay upon termination

Segment starts at 9:45

2️⃣ The right to a workplace free of harassment

Segment starts at 11:12

3️⃣ The right to your same job, once you return from a maternity or paternity leave

Segment starts at 12:48

4️⃣ The right to refuse a new employment contract from your current employer

Segment starts at 14:18

5️⃣ The right to be accommodated at work if you have a disability or illness

Segment starts at 15:56

Severance Pay Calculator

The Severance Pay Calculator and why over 500,000 Canadians have used it to discover their rights, when a wrongful dismissal scenario is at play.

Segment starts at 17:42

Severance Pay Calculator example

The Severance Pay Calculator example scenario: After only 10 months on the job, Ann was let go during a quick meeting with her boss and an HR representative. No reason was given. She has three days to accept a two-week severance offer. Ann is 57, and had a $60,000 salary in a professional role.

Segment starts at 19:55

CALL: Fired over a job interview

If an employee tells me that they are interviewing for a new job somewhere else where they feel they have a better chance at career advancement, am I allowed to let them go?

Segment starts at 22:23

CALL: Employee rights and temporary layoffs

My friend has worked at a company for 22 years. He was temporarily laid off before Christmas when business slowed, with the promise that they would call him back to work, but that hasn’t happened. What are his options?

Segment starts at 25:14

Non-competition clauses

I signed a 1-year non-compete clause when I first started with the company. I was just fired. Is a non-competition clause valid? Will it hold up if I get a job with a competitor?

Segment starts at 26:57

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S3 E24 – Forced Resignations: Everything You Need to Know

Previous Episode:  Employment Law Show S3 E22 – Temporary Layoffs: What You Need to Know

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