The Employment Law Show

New Disability Law Show | Employment Law Show TV – S3 E12


The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 3 Episode 12 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30).

On this episode, we discuss what happens when your old job is not available to you when you come back from a medical leave, what to do when an insurance company is pressuring you to return to work but your doctor says that you’re not ready to return, the launch of In Your Corner, and more!

What We Covered

► 1:56 A soccer coach for senior-level teams had to take a medical leave for a few months. Another coach brought in to fill in for him. His old job was not available when he returned. He was instead demoted to coaching lower-level teams. Does this constitute a Constructive Dismissal?

► 4:43 A caller from the Employment Law Show: I had a verbal fight with a manager at work. Can they fire me from my job because of that one incident? I’m 34 years old, and have worked there as a receptionist for the past 2 years.

► 7:11 From Termination Questions: I have been working for a company for 15 years. Just the other week they said that I will be temporarily laid off, and another employee will cover my work for a while. I’m 56, and worried that I might not be called back, even though I have a good work record. Should I just go with it in case they do call me back?

► 9:57 CALLER: I’ve worked at a small company for 23 years. The owner just learned from her accountant that because we have less than 50 employees and a payroll under $2.5 million, the Ministry of Labour says we’re not owed any severance pay upon termination. Is that true?

► 12:31 From Termination Questions: I am about to return to work after a year off on a maternity leave. I was just told that there was a reorganization, and my position is no longer available. They don’t have an equivalent position either. What are my rights? I’ve been there for 4 years.

► 14:57 The Severance Pay Calculator and why over 500,000 Canadians have used it to discover their rights, when a wrongful dismissal scenario is at play.

► 16:17 The Severance Pay Calculator example scenario: I was working in a pretty good sales job for 9 years, making $80,000 per year. One week before I was to get my annual bonus, I was let go! They said they’re “going in a new direction”. They handed me a cheque for 18 weeks’ pay. Was that enough severance?

► 18:03 CALLER: I started working for the company on a 6-month contract for a middle management position, which recently expired. Now they’re raising performance issues, and I think I’ll be let go. What are my rights?

► 20:51 The Disability Law Show launches on Global TV in Ontario and B.C., focusing on Disability and Personal Injury law.

► 21:50 CALLER: I have been on long-term disability for stress and anxiety, and have been in therapy. The insurance company is pushing me to return to work on a certain date, but my therapist says I’m not ready. Do I have to go back? Will I be fired if I say no?

► 25:22 From My Disability Questions: Almost 2 years ago I submitted a long-term disability application and received a response from the insurance company – disability claim denied due to poor medical documentation. I appealed twice, and was unsuccessful each time. Am I out of options?

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S3 E13 – Mistakes Employers Make

Previous Episode:  Employment Law Show S3 E11 – Termination For Cause: Everything You Need to Know

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