The Employment Law Show

Lior Samfiru, What Should I Do? | Employment Law Show TV – S3 E10

John Scholes, host of the Employment Law Show sits on a stool next to Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru, Co-founding Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, with a coffee table and large flat screen TV between them, on the set of the well-known legal television show.

Episode Summary

LIOR SAMFIRU SHARES EMPLOYMENT LAW TIPS, what to do when an employer says that they don’t use “common law” severance rules, being placed on a temporary layoff, dealing with workplace harassment, and more on Season 3 Episode 10 of the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru, Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP.

Watch below to discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta, on the only employment law show on both TV and radio in Canada.

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Episode Notes

Performance Improvement Plan and Termination For Cause

I was put on a Performance Improvement Plan. Despite working hard, I didn’t impress my employer and was terminated for cause.

Lior explains why an employee is still owed severance pay if they are let go due to poor performance.

Segment starts at 1:38

Employer Tries to Ignore Severance Rules

My office is closing. They said that my severance is 19 weeks for 19 years of service, and anybody with less than 5 years of service gets nothing. They said they don’t use “common law” severance rules, only “labour standards.”

Segment starts at 4:33

Fired While on Long-Term Disability

Does an employer have the right to fire an employee who has been on long-term disability for 2 years?

Segment starts at 7:09


1️⃣ I’ve been placed on a Temporary Layoff with no set return date. What are my rights?

Segment starts at 9:24

2️⃣ My manager is putting me on a Performance Improvement Plan. I am worried that they will use this to fire me. What should I do?

Segment starts at 10:27

3️⃣ The boss is giving half of my hours to a new, younger employee. What do I do? Is that a human rights issue? Is it considered a constructive dismissal?

Segment starts at 11:12

4️⃣ I’m ready to return to work from a leave, but my boss said I have no job to return to! He has offered to help me get EI. Should I accept his help?

Segment starts at 12:36

5️⃣ I have just been fired, and have a 48 hour severance pay deadline. The company says the offer is generous. Should I sign before the offer expires?

Segment starts at 14:25

Pocket Employment Lawyer

Lior Samfiru explains how the Severance Pay Calculator works, and how it can help you determine the amount of severance pay you are owed upon termination in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta

Calculate severance pay through the Pocket Employment Lawyer.

Segment starts at 16:30

Severance for short-service employees

I was fired without warning after one year on the job. They said the relationship was not working. I was given 2 weeks’ pay.

Segment starts at 17:50

Rights When Fired by New Employer

I was fired without warning after one year on the job. They said the relationship was not working. I was given 2 weeks’ pay.

Segment starts at 20:03

Employee Called Independent Contractor, Hours Cut

I was originally hired as an employee but was eventually registered as an “independent contractor” by the company. They’ve started cutting back my hours, yet I have more seniority than anyone else at the company.

Segment starts at 23:30

Fired Due to Pregnancy

When I told my boss I was 4 months pregnant, her mood completely changed. She started harassing me, accusing me of becoming lazy. I was eventually fired 2 months later without a specific reason. Is that right?

Segment starts at 25:45

No Employment Contract When Hired

When I was hired a year ago, I was told I would be given an employment contract to sign. That never happened! What happens if my employer realizes this, and asks me to sign one down the road?

Segment starts at 27:56

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S3 E11 – Termination For Cause: Everything You Need to Know

Previous Episode:  Employment Law Show S3 E9 – Everything You Need to Know About a Non-Competition Clause

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