Common Employment Law Questions | Employment Law Show TV – S2 E2

The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 2 Episode 2 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30).
On this episode, we discuss common employment law questions, what to do when asked to sign a new employment contract, and more!
What We Covered
► 1:55 – A new manager made an employee’s life miserable, in the hopes that they would quit without severance pay, and a new employee could be brought in. Lior Samfiru explains how Constructive Dismissal factors into this situation.
► 5:01 – My mom worked at a company for 27 years. 4 years ago, when she was 70, she signed termination papers. She only got $17,000 after 27 years! Did she receive enough severance pay?
► The Most Common Employment Law Questions
• 8:05 – I didn’t do anything wrong! Can my employer terminate my employment?
• 9:24 – How much severance pay do I get? How much severance pay am I owed?
• 11:00 – I tried to come back after disability leave, but was told there’s no job for me. Is that legal?
• 12:23 – Can an employer make a significant change to my job?
• 14:37 – My employer says they are terminating me for cause. What can I do?
► 16:57 – The Severance Pay Calculator and why over 500,000 people have used it to discover their rights.
► 18:35 – Severance Pay Calculator example for a Construction Supervisor
► 20:16 – I’ve been asked to sign a new employment contract that removes my severance rights. I was told that this contract should have been signed a number of months ago, when I changed positions. Do I have to sign a new employment contract?
► 24:00 – My wife was injured at work, and took long-term disability for 3 years. When she turned 65, the insurance company cut off her LTD. Shortly after that, the employer terminated her. Can an employer legally fire somebody once they hit age 65?
► 25:52 – I worked as project manager for 14 years before being fired due to a shortage of work. I worked full time, paid into their health benefits, had the company business card, and worked in their office. However, when I was fired, they said they didn’t owe me severance because I was a contractor, not an employee! Does the employer have the ultimate say on this matter?
Next Episode: Employment Law Show S2 E3 – Severance Rules Aren’t Different If…
Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S2 E1 – Shattering Severance Myths
Experiencing an Employment Issue?
Before you call a lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to find out if you might have a case.
Use The Severance Pay Calculator to find out how much severance pay you may be owed upon termination.
Call 1-855-821-5900, email or fill out a contact form to get help now.
Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help.
Discover your rights when your Long Term Disability Claim is denied. Find out more here.