The Employment Law Show

Why People Accept Bad Severance Offers | Employment Law Show TV – S1 E5


The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 1 Episode 5 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30)

On this episode, we discuss why people accept bad severance offers, what factors make up severance pay, and more!

What We Covered

► 1:32 A marketing manager was let go when the company went through a restructuring. He was offered 12 months of severance pay, but they calculated it using his base salary only. Lior explains the other factors that make up severance pay.

► 4:22 An employee at a federally regulated trucking company signed an employment agreement that acknowledges that the employer won’t pay overtime. If he is fired, is he entitled to any overtime pay?

► Why People Sign Severance Offers When They Shouldn’t!

• 7:02 The shock of being let go.
• 8:02 They will burn bridges if they don’t sign the severance offer.
• 9:10 Pressure from the employer.
• 10:06 Contract terms.
• 10:45 They assume the severance package is fair.
• 12:00 Being overwhelmed by the severance process.

► 13:05 Why the Severance Pay Calculator is such an important tool.

► 15:48 I am being sexually harassed by two male coworkers. Their inappropriate behaviour is escalating, but I haven’t yet said anything to my manager. Should I complain, or will that make things worse?

► 20:16 I was terminated after 6 months of employment due to an alleged sexual comment. The employer offered me 2 weeks’ termination pay. Is that a fair offer?

► 21:32 How can help you determine the amount of severance pay that you are actually owed upon termination

► 23:44 I had to sign an employment agreement with a non-competition clause when I was hired. Can my employer stop me from working at another company if I resign or am fired?

► 26:30 A man was injured in a car accident and his boss refused to take him back unless he was at 90-100% of his previous capabilities. He was not given any opportunity to prove his abilities during a workplace assessment with his occupational therapist. He worked for the company for over 7 years. Is the man owed severance pay?

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E6 – Fighting a Long Term Disability Claim Denial

Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E4 – Independent Contractors vs. Employees

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