10 Commandments of Termination | Employment Law Show TV – S1 E15

The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 1 Episode 15 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30).
On this episode, we discuss the “10 Commandments of Termination”, being harassed by co-workers outside of the workplace, and more!
What We Covered
► 0:53 – Lior and Ryan talk about empowering people regarding their workplace rights.
► 1:36 – Lior talks about a case where a woman was harassed by one of her co-workers outside of the office. Her employer said that they couldn’t do anything about it because it didn’t happen in the office. Is the employer allowed to ignore incidents between co-workers outside the workplace?
► 4:51 – A caller from the “Employment Hour” radio show wanted to get advice on their situation. “I’ve been working at a company for 7 years as a consultant. However, I am being treated like an employee. I clock in and out, take a lunch break, and was provided the employee handbook. How long can a company do this for?”
► 6:54 – Are you sure you’re an independent contractor? Talk to a lawyer following termination to find out if you have been misclassified.
► 8:16 – A question from terminationquestions.com said “I posted a comment on Facebook, mentioning I was having a bad week at work. Nothing about where I work. I have no affiliation to my employer on Facebook. My boss later asked me about that comment, then fired me on the spot. I’m pretty sure this is a wrongful dismissal and I should get my job back.”
► Top 10 Commandments of Termination of Employment (Part 1)
• 11:15 – Thou shall think about termination when accepting a new job
• 12:42 – Thou shall not accept a temporary layoff
• 14:25 – Thou shall respond to any negative reviews or discipline
• 15:15 – Thou shall not commit serious workplace misconduct
• 15:47 – Thou shall always keep copies of all relevant documents
► 18:00 – Lior talks about the Severance Pay Calculator and why you should use it to help see how much severance you are owed.
► 19:19 – An individual was recently let go from a software business after 10 years. I was told it was due to a lack of sales even though the company just hired three new employees. I have a clean work record and took a 15% pay cut to help the team. Can they legally do this and what severance am I owed?
► 20:58 – A listener from the “Employment Hour” radio show asked “The owner of the construction company I work for is retiring. When our current projects are done, that’s likely it for our employment. I know there are special rules for the construction industry in the Employment Standards Act, but are we entitled to anything?”
► 21:40 – Is your employer closing or retiring? The end of your employment is treated as being terminated and severance pay is owed.
► Top 10 Commandments of Termination of Employment (Part 2)
• 24:07 – Thou shall keep records of important events
• 25:15 – Thou shall not get advice from your neighbour
• 26:34 – Thou shall assume that your severance offer is inadequate
• 27:04 – Thou shall not sign
• 28:01 – Thou shall use the Severance Pay Calculator or call Lior
Next Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E16 – Worst Times for Employer To Terminate an Employee
Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E14 – Employment Law Red Flags