Employment Law True or False | Employment Law Show TV – S1 E13

The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 1 Episode 13 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30)
On this episode, we discuss temporary layoffs, play a game of Employment Law: True or False, and more!
What We Covered
► 1:28 – Lior discusses a case where an employee was terminated due to cost cutting. The employee was told that because he was part-time, he technically wasn’t entitled to any severance pay, however his employer decided to provide two weeks’ pay as a thank you for all his hard work. Lior explains why this employee is owed a lot more money than what was offered by the employer.
► 3:45 – I was fired after complaining about a poor work environment. I think I’m owed one week of severance pay, but I believe that the company cuts corners and I want to expose them. Should I ask for a big severance package in exchange for my silence?
► 6:15 – If an employer refuses to deal with a toxic work environment, you may be able to argue constructive dismissal and resign with severance pay.
► 7:05 – Zubair is close to turning 65. Management at his workplace tell their employees who hit 65 that the company is legally allowed to let them go, because they’ve hit the official age of retirement. However, the company will hand you two weeks’ pay, in cash, as “retirement severance”. Because Zubair has worked there for 28 years, should he ask for a few extra weeks’ pay?
► Employment Law: True or False
• 9:51 – I don’t need a lawyer to help me get my full severance. I can just call the Ministry of Labour.
• 10:41 – My employer can fire me to cut costs, because they want to hire somebody new, because I was late for work or because I wore the wrong colour socks to the office.
• 12:04 – My employer can change my level of pay and workload whenever they want. They are the boss after all!
• 12:46 – There are completely different severance rules for federally regulated employees.
• 13:33 – Your employer has legal cause to fire you if your insurance provider cuts off your long-term disability benefits while you are on disability leave.
• 14:51 – Part-time employees have a right to severance when they are fired from their job.
► 16:09 – Lior talks about why the Severance Pay Calculator is a tool that you should check out.
► 17:17 – A 43-year-old sales employee was let go and offered 4 weeks’ severance pay even though they worked for the company for 2.5 years. They were given two days to sign the offer, but missed the deadline. Are they out of options?
► 19:59 – After my son was hospitalized with a condition, his employer fired him because he had accumulated too many sick days. The Ministry of Labour says that an employee who uses more than 10 sick days can be fired. Is that accurate?
► 18:21 – I’m working for a construction company that is going through some hard times. They plan on temporarily laying off some workers. Are they allowed to do this because they are in the construction business?
► 22:47 – A friend has worked at a company for over 27 years. He just received a year’s working notice that his employer is shutting down. Do they have to pay him severance on top of the notice that they have already given him?
► 25:57 – via terminationquestions.com “My doctor says that I need to be put on shorter shifts at work because of my illness. My employer doesn’t agree with my doctor’s orders and refuses to accommodate me until I get a second doctor’s opinion. What should I do?”
► 27:20 – After working 9 years for a company over 6 contracts, my boss decided not to renew my contract. No explanation whatsoever. The Severance Pay Calculator suggests that if I was an employee, I would be owed 9-12 months of severance. Do I get anything at all as a contractor?
Next Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E14 – Employment Law Red Flags
Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E12 – Facts About LTD Claim Denials