The Employment Law Show

What Employer Won’t Tell You | Employment Law Show TV – S1 E11


The Employment Law Show with Canadian employment lawyer Lior Samfiru and co-host John Scholes. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario and British Columbia on Season 1 Episode 11 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada (formerly known as Employment Hour in 30)

On this episode, we discuss things that your employer won’t tell you, whether future employers will find out if you took a former employer to court over severance, and more!

What We Covered

► 1:31 – Lior shares the story of a woman who was cut off long-term disability by her insurance provider, who believed that she was able to return to work. When she failed to return, her employer considered her to have resigned. Lior explains why there are multiple wrongs in this situation, and why it is a Wrongful Dismissal.

► 4:00 – An employer can ask about prognosis but NOT diagnosis when it comes to an employee’s illness.

► 4:36 – I was laid off after 6 years of employment. I was offered a small severance package but was told that because I had been “laid off” I could get more severance through Employment Insurance. Is that accurate?

► 7:12 – After working hard for over 22 years to rise through the company to a middle management position, an individual was asked to accept a demotion. He was told that a less stressful job makes sense, due to his age. If the individual does not accept the offer, his boss said that they would have reasonable grounds to terminate his employment and that there would be no severance package. Should the individual agree to be demoted?

► 10:25 – The Severance Pay Calculator can help you determine what your severance package should look like when you are terminated.

► 13:12 – A 38-year-old private school teacher was just informed by her school that they don’t need her services anymore. She believes that she has been wrongfully dismissed as she never received any reprimands while she worked with the school. Can she get her job back?

► 15:28 – I was employed for 23 years before my company send my job overseas, and fired me. I was offered 10.5 months’ severance pay. If I take my former employer to court over severance, will my future employer find out?

► Things Your Employer Won’t Tell You

• 19:01 – You are likely owed more severance than you are offered.
• 20:48 – How a maternity leave affects your job.
• 21:53 – You’re not really an independent contractor.
• 24:06 – You get overtime even if you are on salary.
• 25:04 – If the business is sold, you don’t have to accept a job with the buyer.

► 26:44 – I was let go from my job and offered 4 weeks’ severance pay plus vacation pay. No explanation was given about why I was fired. Am I entitled to my full severance?

Next Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E12 – Facts About LTD Claim Denials

Previous Episode: Employment Law Show S1 E10 – Understanding the Duty to Accommodate

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