The Employment Law Show

Employment Law Show: Ontario – S10 E86

A headshot of Employment Lawyer Chris Justice at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, to the right of the Employment Law Show logo. He hosts the program on 640 Toronto, 900 CHML in Hamilton, and Newstalk 580 CFRA in Ottawa, Ontario.

Episode Summary

What should you know about employment contracts? How is overtime pay calculated? Employment Lawyer Chris Justice, Associate at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP answers those questions and more on the Employment Law Show. 

LISTEN BELOW to Ontario’s premiere radio show about employment law and workplace rights featuring the province’s leading employment lawyers. You can catch the show on Saturdays and Sundays on 640 Toronto, Newstalk 580 CFRA in Ottawa, and 900 CHML in Hamilton as the hosts take calls from listeners and provide vital answers to employees and employers. 

Listen to the Episode

Show Notes

  • Severance pay in a recession: Chris discusses details on the predicted recession and how it may affect employment. If you are let go during a recession, it could lead to a ‘bump’ or increase in the total severance pay you are owed, primarily because it may be difficult to find new employment during a period of economic instability.
  • How to calculate severance pay: Chris debunks common misconceptions when it comes to calculating severance pay, and clarifies that it is calculated through various factors, including age, length of service, position, and ability to find new comparable employment.
  • Duty to accommodate: Chris discusses a situation in which an employer did not fulfil their duty to accommodate, and terminated their employee instead. The employee is likely to be owed additional damages on top of severance, as this case is an example of a potential human rights violation.
  • Things to know about an employment agreement: Employment agreements are among the most important documents someone can sign in their lifetime. However, Chris reminds listeners that they are in place to benefit the employer more than the employee. Always get your employment agreement reviewed by an experienced employment lawyer before putting pen to paper.
  • Clauses to look out for: During the show, Chris discusses various clauses that can be found in an employment contract that employees should be wary of. This includes the termination clause, non-competition clauses, and a clause that allows employers to apply changes to your employment.

Need an employment lawyer?

  • Pocket Employment Lawyer: Before you call a lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to find out if you might have a case. 
  • Severance Pay Calculator: Discover how much severance pay you should get when you lose your job, used successfully by nearly 2 million Canadians. 
  • Watch our TV Shows: Get further clarity on your rights by watching our popular TV show episodes. 

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