Employment Hour 980 CKNW – S2 E21

Canadian Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru, Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, reveals your workplace rights in British Columbia, and shatters myths and misconceptions about severance pay, terminations, workplace harassment, overtime pay, wrongful dismissal, constructive dismissal, duty to accommodate, and more.
What We Covered
– WEEK THAT WAS #1: An employee’s son was diagnosed with a medical condition. Her employer refused to allow her to work from home for two weeks. Does an employer have to accommodate family status?
– WEEK THAT WAS #2: After 2 years on a disability leave, an employee was ready to return to work on modified duty. His employer said they weren’t ready to take him back yet. Are they allowed to do that? Do they have a duty to accommodate?
– The Severance Pay Calculator
– You can’t be let go from your job for discriminatory reasons. What constitutes discrimination? Lior Samfiru explains.
– You can’t be let go from your job after trying to enforce your workplace rights.
– You can’t be let go from your job because you are pregnant or taking a maternity leave or parent leave.
– CALLER: Can you be fired for expecting to be paid during your lunch hour if you can’t leave the job site? Lior explains how an employment lawyer and the Employment Standards Branch comes into play on a matter of wage theft.
– You can’t be let go from your job after trying to unionize.
– What is a non-competition clause in an employment contract or employment agreement, and how do they work?
– How common is a non-competition clause in an employment agreement or employment contract?
– Is a non-compete clause actually enforceable?
– Should you tell your new employer that you had a non-competition clause in your employment agreement with the previous employer?
– If an employee wants to jump to another company, but signed an employment agreement with a non-competition clause, what should they do?
– What should an employer do if they want to protect themselves from losing employees?
– EMAIL: My boss keeps threatening me that I’m going to be fired, and sends me emails that say I am on the chopping block. Lior explains how this constitutes a constructive dismissal.
– EMAIL: I was recruited by a very large company from a job I had for many years. I was let go 10 months after I started because I wasn’t a “good fit”. How much severance am I owed?
Experiencing an Employment Issue?
Before you call a lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to find out if you might have a case.
Use The Severance Pay Calculator to find out how much severance pay you may be owed upon termination.
Call 1-855-821-5900 or fill out a contact form to get help now.
Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help.
Discover your rights when your Long Term Disability Claim is denied. Find out more here.