Employment Hour 640 Toronto – S6 E57

Canadian Employment Lawyer David Vaughan, Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, reveals your workplace rights in Ontario, and shatters myths and misconceptions about severance pay, terminations, workplace harassment, overtime pay, wrongful dismissal, constructive dismissal, duty to accommodate, and more.
What We Covered
WEEK THAT WAS #1: An employer asked employee to sign a new employment agreement, in exchange for a signing bonus. They were let go a year later. David explains the dangers of signing a new employment agreement while you are employed.
WEEK THAT WAS #2: An employee with a good performance record in sales was fired for cause after the employer began highlighting performance issues during performance reviews. David explains why poor performance in sales is rarely a “for cause” termination
Why www.SeverancePayCalculator.com is a valuable tool
Temporary Layoffs: What is a Temporary Layoff?
CALLER: My husband was let go today from a management position. He took the job just 6 months ago after being recruited by a competitor. How much severance pay should he get?
CALLER: I’m a truck driver for a federally regulated company. My employer told me that federal severance pay rules apply. Is my boss right? David Vaughan explains how severance pay works for truck drivers.
Temporary Layoffs: How Should I Respond to a Temporary Lay off?
CALLER: I’ve been with the same company for 44 years. I just turned 65. If I was let go, how much severance pay should I receive?
Temporary Layoffs: What Should I Do If I Am Temporarily Laid Off?
Temporary Layoffs: How much severance pay am I owed if I am temporarily laid off?
EMAIL: After I was let go, I signed my termination paperwork without speaking to a lawyer first. I don’t think the offer was good. Can I do anything about it now?
Experiencing an Employment Issue?
Before you call a lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to find out if you might have a case.
Use The Severance Pay Calculator to find out how much severance pay you may be owed upon termination.
Call 1-855-821-5900, email Help@EmploymentLawyer.ca or fill out a contact form to get help now from a Toronto employment lawyer.
Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help.
Discover your rights when your Long Term Disability Claim is denied. Find out more here.