Disability Law Show Bell Radio – S1 E5

Discover your rights and the TRUTH about long term disability and personal injury. Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman, Disability Lawyers and Partners at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, join co-host John Scholes as they guide you through the proper steps to take when your insurance provider cuts off your long-term disability or denies your insurance claim.
Chapter 1:
The Only Show About LTD Claims in Canada
Chapter 2:
Why LTD Claim for C7 Radiculopathy Cut Off
A woman suffering from C7 Radiculopathy, or pain in the neck and spine, was cut off from long-term disability. The insurance company told her that they had “already spent enough money on her” claim. Is that a fair comment for them to make?
Chapter 3:
Can you be FORCED to return to work from LTD?
A 56-year-old former bank employee in B.C. was told by her LTD adjuster told her she must return to work. Her doctors say she is still disabled. Is she still required to try to return to work?
Chapter 4:
Get Conversations with Insurance Company in Writing!
Chapter 5:
LTD for Pancreatic Cancer & Waiver of Premium
I’m on long-term disability due to pancreatic cancer. I receive payments from ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program) and the insurance company. But I have to pay an LTD premium to my employer. Is that legal? What is a ‘Waiver of Premium’?
Chapter 6:
TEXT: First Responders & LTD Claims for PTSD and Disability
I’m a first responder. Can you share challenges and scenarios related to our long-term disability claims for PTSD and disability.
Chapter 7:
EMAIL: Elbow Injury from Malfunctioning Elevator
I’m retired. I tripped when getting out of a malfunctioning elevator and fractured my elbow and now have bad arthritis. The insurance company wants to settle. What about a claim for future disability?
Chapter 8:
How LTD Policies work with ODSP
I’m on LTD and have applied for ODSP. How does that work?
Chapter 9:
CALLER: Car Accident & Concussion and Back Pain
I was rear-ended by a dump truck and the car was written off. I suffered a concussion and still have back pain. What is my best course of action? What should I do?
Chapter 10:
Are Workplaces Legally Required to have WSIB or Insurance?
My workplace has no WSIB or insurance for injured workers. It is a daycare. Is that against the law?
Chapter 11:
Sexual Assault & Appealing LTD Denial
My daughter was a victim of sexual assault 3 years ago and has sought psychiatric treatments. She applied for long-term disability and was denied. She appealed the LTD denial and was denied twice. What are her options now?
Chapter 12:
LTD Cut Off After Heart Surgery Complications
I’ve been driving truck for over 25 years. I’m 53. I had complications after heart surgery. I couldn’t return to work and was approved for short-term disability. I obtained LTD but was told that I should be able to return to work in a few months.
Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help.
Call 1-855-821-5900, email us at help@DisabilityRights.ca or fill out a contact form to get help now.
Discover your rights when your Long Term Disability Claim is denied. Find out more here.
Experiencing an Employment Issue?
Before you call a lawyer, use the Pocket Employment Lawyer to find out if you might have a case.
Use The Severance Pay Calculator to find out how much severance pay you may be owed upon termination.
Call 1-855-821-5900, email us at help@EmploymentLawyer.ca or fill out a contact form to get help now.