Disability Law Show 640 Toronto – S6 E34

What to do if your claim has been going on too long, can you still apply for LTD if you were fired while on medical leave, and what is a total disability? Find out the answers to these questions and more on The Disability Law Show. Discover your rights and the TRUTH about long term disability and personal injury. Sivan Tumarkin and James K. Fireman, Disability Lawyers and Partners at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, guide you through the proper steps to take when your insurance provider cuts off your long-term disability or denies your insurance claim.
My claim has been going on for 3 years, is there anything more I can do?
3:30 – My partner has been fighting with the insurance company for the past 3 years and his insurance company keeps coming up with reasons why he is not entitled to coverage. I have tried to contact them but the adjuster will not review his file. His employer has been great and has a job held open for him, but he cannot work.
I had a mild stroke last July and lost my job, can I apply for long-term disability?
My claim was denied because I am not totally disabled, should I appeal this?
11:05 – I have been struggling with depression for the past few years. After a death in my family recently I became much worse. I went on short term disability and did that until I was told I needed to apply for long term disability. I was told that I wasn’t totally disabled after applying for LTD, I appealed the decision and was denied again. I’m not sure if I want to keep fighting the insurance company, is there anything else I can do?
Is there anything more a doctor can provide to help with an LTD claim?
16:55 -I am a family doctor and one of my patients told me about your program. I have treated many patients with disabilities. I often find that my medical opinion often gets ignored by the insurance company and my patients’ insurance claims get denied. Is there anything I can do differently to help my patients with long-term disability claims?
Do I have to attend a skills assessment if my insurer is threatening to cut me off?
21:45 – My wife has MS and her condition is deteriorating. She has been on LTD for over a year and she received a letter stating that her insurance will be cut off. They want her to go for an assessment to see if she has any transferable skills because they think she can go back to work. Does she have to go for this assessment if they are going to cut her off anyway?
Can I refuse to change psychiatrists if my insurer wants me to change my doctor?
29:29 – A friend of mine at work was robbed at gunpoint and assaulted 2 years ago. She was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and has been off and on work until she finally had a breakdown and was hospitalized about a year ago. She’s been on disability with her insurance company and now they want her to go see their therapist for treatments. She is very afraid to do that. She sees a psychiatrist regularly that she is very comfortable with and her concern is that switching psychiatrists could make her condition worse. She expressed this concern to her insurance adjuster but they insist that if she wants to continue getting paid she has to go to their psychiatrist. Is she allowed to refuse?
What does it mean if I have insufficient documentation for my LTD claim?
32:55 – I was denied long term disability twice now because the insurance company says that I don’t have enough medical support for my disability. I’m in constant pain because of fibromyalgia and sciatica. I get injections and I take quite a few medications. I’m 52 years old and I’ve worked for most of my adult life in the television industry which is very stressful and hard. I don’t know what to do. I have a psychiatrist and a family doctor who both said that I can’t work because of my condition and the insurance company just won’t listen to them. I’m at the end of my rope. Why won’t they listen??
What happens if I don’t meet the definition of totally disabled?
36:28 – An individual in their 30’s was just cut off their long-term disability. He suffered a heart attack and depression. He was cutoff because he doesn’t meet the definition of “totally disabled” by the insurance company. He works as an insurance adjuster himself. His doctor and psychiatrist disagree and support that he is unable to return to work at this point.
Experiencing an Employment Issue?
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Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help.
Discover your rights when your Long Term Disability Claim is denied. Find out more here.