The Coronavirus Knowledge Centre will update you on your rights as this crisis continues to unfold.
Employees, employers and individuals in Canada are seeking answers to their many questions about employment and long-term disability benefits rights during the coronavirus pandemic. The links below will provide you with those answers.
Information About Your Rights
Employment Rights During COVID-19
Fired or temporarily laid off during the coronavirus pandemic? Get answers to your coronavirus-related employment questions when significant changes are made to your job.
COVID-19 Employment RightsLong-term Disability Rights & COVID-19
Find out how to apply for Long-term Disability benefits during the coronavirus outbreak if you can't work or have been laid off, and what to do if your claim is denied.
COVID-19 Disability RightsBlog

How to respond if your boss pressures you to get the COVID-19 vaccine
Although federal and provincial governments in Canada are strongly recommending that individuals get the vaccine against COVID-19, it is…

Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit: What you need to know
The Canadian federal government announced on Oct. 21, 2021 that they would implement a new benefits program, called the Canada Worker Lockdown…
Consulted by Media
Media outlets across Canada are relying on our team for consistent, reliable and up-to-date facts on your workplace rights and government assistance during the coronavirus pandemic. Explore more of our engagements here.

Global Morning Show: Employee rights before returning to the office
Employment lawyer Lior Samfiru joins Global News Morning to discuss employee rights as they prepare to return to work.

Jon Pinkus on company vaccine mandates
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus joins CTV News Vancouver to discuss mandatory vaccine policies imposed by companies.

Alex Lucifero, employment lawyer on workplace vaccine requirements
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins Matt Skube on CTV News Ottawa to discuss vaccine requirements in the office.