Disability/Personal Injury

Pandemic travel insurance lawsuit with TD settles

TD Insurance has settled a class-action lawsuit launched on behalf of travellers who stated they were wrongfully denied trip cancellation benefits as a result of the pandemic.

Samfiru Tumarkin LLP along with Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP filed the class action on behalf of Kevin Lyons. Lyons was forced to cancel a vacation to Italy the day before departure and submitted a claim with TD Insurance for over $6000.

TD Insurance initially denied Mr. Lyons’s claim as he was offered a future credit for the flights and with the cruise line. The Globe and Mail reports that Lyon’s legal team argued that TD’s trip cancellation policy did not exclude repaying expenses if credit was offered.

TD has now agreed to pay $4.8-million in compensation to the Canadians affected by this policy.

Additional Coverage

Further information and details regarding the class-action lawsuit as well as the settlement can be found in the Toronto Star, the Financial Post, as well as Insurance Business Canada magazine.

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