Blog & News
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments in employment law, workplace rights, long-term disability claims, and personal injury. Explore Samfiru Tumarkin LLP’s newest media interviews, exclusive press releases, insightful reactions to current events, and notable legal victories.

Calgary Father Wants Tim Hortons to Cool Their Tea After Son’s Injury
A father is asking Tim Hortons to turn down the heat after his young son was seriously burned by very hot tea…

Car Accident – NOW WHAT?
Here is some practical advice about how to deal both with injuries and property damage in the context of car accidents and…

Client Win: Distribution Director secures substantial severance after wrongful dismissal
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP secured significant severance for a distribution director after wrongful dismissal. Discover his path to justice.

Court Awards 37 Months’ Pay as Damages for Termination
A recent decision determined that a terminated employee's "duty to mitigate" would not apply to employees who are engaged pursuant to fixed…

TRIAL WIN: Carpenter v. Brains II Canada Inc.
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP is proud to announce that Toronto employment lawyer and firm partner David Vaughan successfully represented his client, Ms. Carpenter,…

New Auto Insurance Changes Means REDUCED Benefits For You
Changes to auto insurance policies are coming to Ontario as of June 1, 2016, but benefit entitlements can be reduced if you're…

Worker Sues For 11,570 Hours of Unpaid Overtime
An employee sued his employer for 11,570 hours of unpaid overtime. Learn more about what you can do if you think your…

McDonald’s Manager Constructively Dismissed, Not “Lovin’ It”
After 26 years working at McDonald’s, Esther Brake was definitely not “lovin’ it” after she was forced out of her job as…

Fired Over “Fat”: Did Addition Elle Make the Right Call?
Can your employer fire you for cause because of something you posted on your Facebook account that they took offence to? Find…