Blog & News
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments in employment law, workplace rights, long-term disability claims, and personal injury. Explore Samfiru Tumarkin LLP’s newest media interviews, exclusive press releases, insightful reactions to current events, and notable legal victories.

Can you refuse to wear a mask if you have a doctor’s letter?
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero speaks with CTV to discuss individuals' rights to wear a mask or not in public.

Class action launched as Canadian families are denied travel refunds
Disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin joins CTV News Toronto to discuss the class-action lawsuit against Arch Insurance.

Arch insurance failed reimbursements lead to class action lawsuit
Disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin speaks with the Toronto Sun regarding the class-action lawsuit filed against Arch Insurance.

Can my employer force me to take a COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario?
Can an employer force an employee to take a COVID-19 vaccine? Learn about workplace rights in Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Arch Insurance facing class action lawsuit
Disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin speaks with Newstalk 1010 on the class-action lawsuit launched against Arch Insurance.

Arch Insurance class action launched over cancelled school trips and COVID-19
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has launched a class action against Arch Insurance on behalf of Canadians seeking refunds for school trips cancelled due…

Severance for Hourly Employees in Ontario
Find out if hourly employees in Ontario are owed severance pay upon termination, and how a severance package is properly calculated.

Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group concerning layoffs
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins CTV Mornings Live to discuss the recent layoffs by OSEG.

How has workplace harassment changed due to COVID-19?
Employment lawyer Alex Lucfiero joins Dahlia Kurtz on CFRA to discuss the evolving nature of workplace harassment during the pandemic.