Blog & News
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments in employment law, workplace rights, long-term disability claims, and personal injury. Explore Samfiru Tumarkin LLP’s newest media interviews, exclusive press releases, insightful reactions to current events, and notable legal victories.
Ottawa employment lawyer on providing sick notes to your employer
Ottawa employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins CTV News Ottawa to discuss the need for employee sick notes.
Maple Leaf Foods: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Maple Leaf Foods? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your…
Ottawa employment lawyer Alex Lucifero on possible IDEL expiration
Ottawa employment lawyer Alex Lucifero joins CTV News Ottawa to discuss the possibility of IDEL expiring in Ontario and…
Could Canada adopt work-from-home policy like the Netherlands?: Global BC
An employment lawyer spoke to Global News BC on the possibility of work-from-home legislation in Canada.
Employment lawyer Chantel Goldsmith on NDAs and the Hockey Canada assault investigation
Employment lawyer Chantel Goldsmith joins Kelly Cutrara to discuss non-disclosure agreements as Hockey Canada re-opens an assault investigation.
Bird Construction: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Bird Construction? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your severance…
Ontario court awards employee 24 months of severance, employer required to pay additional $28,000
Ontario court awards employee 24 months of severance. Employer required to pay additional $28,000 in costs.
Bora Pharmaceuticals: Severance Packages
Laid off or lost your job at Bora Pharmaceuticals? Learn about your employment rights in Canada and how to calculate your severance…
’60 days or more’: Is it an enforceable termination clause?
Can your employer limit your right to common law notice? What makes a termination clause unenforceable? Read more to find out.