Employment Law

Jon Pinkus with CTV talks CUPE strike, removing Bill 28, and what comes next


Interview Summary

As news of the provincial government’s decision to rescind Bill 28 breaks, questions still surround the impact of negotiations between CUPE and the potential closure of schools. What can working parents with children in school expect to happen in the foreseeable future? Will this decision and recent events play a part in workers’ rights in the future?

Jon Pinkus, an employment lawyer and Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP spoke to CTV News on both the initial strike as well and provided commentary on what could happen next as negotiations continue.

Interview Notes

Future of Notwithstanding Clause

Impact of rescinding Bill 28 and what comes next

  • CUPE and Ontario government negotiations: While Bill 28 has been rescinded, CUPE might question what will happen next in negotiations if terms cannot be agreed upon; will a strike be possible? Negotiations have just begun between the two parties.
  • The legality of the CUPE strike: It is likely that the labour board will determine the strike to be illegal. Financially, this could mean serious repercussions for the union.
  • Next steps of negotiations and impact on working parents: It will be interesting to see how the current situation is resolved in order to determine how future bargaining will unfold. Questions regarding the difficulty of bargaining with other unions have arisen, as well as the normalization of the Notwithstanding clause.

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