CTV Canada AM – Future Shop shuts down: Concerns after employees pressured

Interview Summary
Best Buy Canada is coming under fire over severance packages the company is offering to employees affected by the closure of all Future Shop stores in Canada. Hundreds of former workers say their severance packages are inadequate and were signed under duress.
Severance for Best Buy employees
Best Buy Canada, a subsidiary of Best Buy Co. Inc. that owns and operates both Best Buy and Future Shop stores, permanently closed 66 Future Shops on Saturday, and announced that 65 others will be converted into Best Buy locations.
Severance pay for Best Buy employees
The closure resulted in the loss of 500 full-time and 1,000 part-times jobs. Although the affected workers will receive severance, employee assistance, and outplacement support under the terms of an agreement a leading Toronto employment lawyer said they felt pressured to sign.
Lior Samfiru is partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP. He joined Canada AM on CTV to discuss the rights of former Future Shop employees, and how severance pay works in Ontario.
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