Employment Law

Fiona Martyn, 640 Toronto on non-compete clauses and right to disconnect

A headshot of Canadian employment lawyer Fiona Martin next to the Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and 640 Toronto logos.

Interview Summary

The Ontario government is proposing new legislation that if implemented would ban non-competition clauses and allow employees the right to disconnect from the office outside of regular work hours. While this could mean a reinforcement of many employee rights, what will employers be obligated to enforce? Would companies who refuse to abide by policies be penalized?

Fiona Martyn, a Toronto employment lawyer and Associate at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP joins Greg Brady on Global News Radio 640 Toronto to discuss this legislation and more.

Interview Notes

  • Are non-compete clauses difficult to enforce?
  • Does it matter the location of the job if an employee has signed a non-competition clause?
  • Will the industry and company matter when it comes to whether or not the non-compete clause is enforceable?
  • Will employees actually be able to implement and abide by the right to disconnect in workplaces?

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