Employment Law
Job Postings and Salary Transparency: Newstalk 1010 Interview

Interview Summary
A recent news story about an employee in the technology sector in New York has given rise to many questions surrounding job advertising and salary transparency. Are employers in Ontario obligated to declare a salary range when hiring?
Jon Pinkus, an Ontario employment lawyer and Partner at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP spoke to Jim Richards on Newstalk 1010 to answer this question and more.
Interview Notes
- Ontario laws surrounding job postings: In Ontario employers are permitted to be more secretive regarding pay and job postings. There are no laws in Ontario requiring employers to be transparent about salary when hiring new employees.
- British Columbia salary legislation: Legislation was introduced In B.C. to ensure pay transparency. In the event this legislation passes, employers will be required to include salary ranges on job postings.
- Definition of pay transparency: Pay transparency does not mean a focus solely on job postings but also on issues regarding reprisals. Pay transparency legislation could implement protections for employees who have disclosed their wages to another co-worker.
- Pay equity in the workplace: Pay transparency legislation would also ensure a push for pay equity in many workplaces. Part of the importance of pay equity legislation is the need to balance an employer’s business needs with anti-discrimination legislation.