Employer Obligated to Pay Severance: Lawyer

Many questions remain surrounding Sudbury Chief Administrative Officer Doug Nadorozny’s departure from city hall, but one thing is certain: his severance pay day could be plentiful — with more than $330,000 potentially owed to the former CAO — or null and void. The reasons for his departure have not yet been made public.
If terminated without cause, which can generally happen at any time and for any reason, an employee is entitled to severance, Lior Samfiru, a partner with the Toronto-based law firm of Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, said Thursday.
He explained the difference between minimum severance entitlements based on the Employment Standards Act and full severance entitlements based on common law, and how much severance pay Nadorozny might be hypothetically owed.
Read the full article in the Sudbury Star here.
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