Changes to Ontario IDEL for COVID-19 Layoffs in 2021

A headshot of Ottawa employment lawyer Alex Lucifero next to the logos for Samfiru Tumarkin LLP and Ottawa radio station Newstalk 580 CFRA.

Ontario has extended the Infectious Disease Emergence Leave regulation once again from the initial end date of January 2021 to July 2021. While many employees have returned to work, the current rise in COVID-19 cases in the province has ensured further closures and many potential layoffs. What will this recent extension mean for employees?

Ottawa employment lawyer and partner Alex Lucifero joins Graham Richards on CFRA to discuss this recent extension and the consequences for employers and employees.

What They Discussed

Is this new extension significant for employees? Employees who are currently on a temporary layoff since the spring of 2020. Employers are now able to extend the current layoffs until the summer of 2021. Employees are in a difficult situation and should be aware of all of the options available to them.

What will this extension mean for employers and employees? Employees should note that temporary layoffs are only allowed in which employment contracts state it is a term of employment or if a layoff is a routine term of employment such as seasonal positions. Employees not in either of those positions can choose not to accept the layoff and treat it as a termination.

Is the main issue employers trying to avoid paying severance to employees? Many business owners and employers want to delay this problem for the future however this could create further dilemmas later on.

Laid Off? Questions about your rights during COVID-19?

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