Employment Law

Justin Trudeau, Blackface & Legal Obligation to be Truthful – Corus Radio
Lior Samfiru on whether Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a legal obligation to tell Canadians the truth about the times he donned…

Vancouver Star – Uber Class Action at Supreme Court & Workers’ Rights
Samfiru Tumarkin LLP is taking its class action lawsuit against Uber to the Supreme Court of Canada. Find out what it means…

640 Toronto – Can your employer fire you for possessing marijuana at work?
An employment lawyer told 640 Toronto why the presence of pot at work doesn't necessarily give an employer grounds to terminate for…

Globe and Mail – I was fired for possessing marijuana at work. Is that allowed?
An employee fired for cause over cannabis in the office may be owed substantial severance pay. A Toronto employment lawyer told the…

Employment Lawyer on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
What rights do employees & employers have when sexual harassment occurs at work? Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero explained on CTV Ottawa Morning…

CTV Ottawa – Ottawa Councillor Accused of Sexual Harassment by Employees
Employment lawyer Alex Lucifero on CTV News about Ottawa Councillor Rick Chiarelli and sexual misconduct allegations by former employees.

640 Toronto – Brad Blair Suing Doug Ford for $15M over Termination
Lawyer Jon Pinkus on whether the former interim OPP commissioner's $15-million wrongful termination lawsuit against Doug Ford will hold up in court.

640 Toronto – Severance Packages for Political Staff in Ontario
Employment lawyer Jon Pinkus on severance packages for political staff after $450,000 provided to two aides from former premier Kathleen Wynne's office.

Changes to Canada Labour Code for Federally Regulated Employees
Employment Lawyer Lior Samfiru explains what the changes to the Canada Labour Code mean for employees and employers across Canada.